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(561) 338-5297 Boca Raton Divorce Lawyer & Family Law Attorney

Pompano Beach Divorce Lawyer

divorce lawyer pompano beachAbout 40 to 50 percent of marriages in the U.S. will end in divorce or separation. Divorce comes with a host of legal, financial, emotional and practical issues. If not handled properly, the proceedings can be messy and strenuous. This is why you need an experienced divorce lawyer by your side. To ensure you get the right legal counsel and representation, you should share all the relevant information with your attorney.

Here are a few topics to discuss with the legal expert during your first meeting.


Finances are among the most contentious issues during a divorce. When a marriage is dissolved, spouses have to agree on how to divide their marital assets and debts. You should speak to your lawyer about property and finances, so they can determine what constitutes marital property and how the items will be split. The financial information should include details like employment, tax returns, asset information, liability information and budget information.


Even after parents have divorced, they are still required by law to provide financial support to their children until they are no longer minors. To calculate child support, you need to consider both the present and future needs of your children. Generally, you can expect to incur three types of expenses: fixed, variable and controlled expenses.

Discussing child support issues with a lawyer will ensure you make an accurate assessment of your children’s needs. The lawyer will also help you determine how much you will be expected to contribute.


Alimony remains a controversial aspect of divorce cases. Usually, alimony will be discussed when one of the parties in the divorce cannot support themselves financially.

When determining alimony, the court will consider the couple’s income, financial needs and obligations, age, standard of living, contribution to the marriage, and physical and emotional health. Talking about spousal maintenance with your attorney will help you understand how divorce will impact your financial picture.


Matters of child custody and visitation can be very complicated. If you anticipate a battle for custody, you may want to discuss the topic with your attorney as soon as possible. Talking about your ideal child custody situation with your lawyer will enable them to advocate for your position more effectively. In the end, the decision to award legal and physical custody should be based on the best interest of the child.


Your life is bound to change after you experience a divorce. To ensure you can cope with the new reality, you need to determine your post-divorce living arrangements.

Apart from providing legal services, your divorce lawyer can be a reliable partner to help you get through the difficult phase of your life. Some issues you may want to discuss with your attorney are residence in your marital home, post-divorce non-financial support and the cost of living on your own.


During the divorce consultation, it is important to ask about the divorce options available to you as a couple. These include traditional litigation and out-of-court options like collaborative divorce and divorce mediation. Lastly, share your expectations about the probable outcome of the case.


No two divorce cases are the same. Depending on your circumstances, other issues you can talk to your lawyer about are domestic violence, child abuse and parental kidnapping. The legal expert will gather evidence of the abuse and help you get a personal protective order against your abusive spouse. Other important subjects you may want to cover are insurance coverage for the children, changing your name after divorce and the lawyer’s retainer requirements and fee structure.

The next time you need a good divorce lawyer, look no further than us. Our experienced attorney will take charge of your divorce to help protect your legal rights and ensure a smooth process. Contact us today for professional legal services.