A prenuptial agreement is not a display of doubt regarding the success of the marriage. The truth is that no one knows what is going to happen in a relationship years down the road. While the intention is to not ever get a divorce, sometimes circumstances change. When one or both individuals enter the marriage with a lot of money or highly valued assets, the prenuptial agreement is a contract that protects those assets in case a divorce does happen. It is a contract between both parties that states what will and will not happen in case of a divorce.
If you are planning to get married and you wish to protect money and assets in the case of a divorce in the future, a prenuptial agreement can provide you with that protection. Even if you are already married, you can have a post-nuptial agreement created by a qualified and experienced Florida divorce attorney so that it is outlined what is and what isn’t to happen in regards to assets if the marriage would fail. The “what ifs” can be quite powerful, so it is good for both of you to be prepared.
Thorough Prenuptial Agreement Drafting
When you have your attorney draft a prenuptial agreement for you, it is very important that it is as thorough as possible. This is so the agreement is enforceable if a divorce would ever occur. A prenuptial or post-nuptial agreement that is considered unfair or it is determined that one of the parties was coerced, is an agreement that cannot be enforced. If the agreement is not enforceable, then the divorce process will move forward as if the agreement was never drafted. The goal of a quality attorney is to ensure that the agreement is a fair one based on the details provided at the time and that the other party is not coerced in any way. This is what a prenuptial or post-nuptial agreement can do:
- Protect family, business, and personal assets
- Protect the interests and rights of children from a previous relationship
- Avoid the cost of litigation in case a divorce does occur
- Provide the peace of mind in both parties and their family members that assets are protected
Protecting Your Future With Prenuptial Agreements
Through the drafting of a prenuptial agreements or the enforcement of one that was drawn up in the past, your Boca Raton divorce lawyer will work hard for you to ensure that your interests are protected. It is also important to note that you don’t have to have significant assets to benefit from a prenuptial or post-nuptial agreement because almost anyone can benefit.
Contact Attorney Ronald M. Zakarin For Family Law Matters
A prenuptial agreement doesn’t express doubt that a marriage is going to succeed. Instead, it is a method to protect assets in the instance that divorce happens later. Some never have to use their prenuptial agreements, while others do. If you are getting married and have significant assets, you may want to protect them through a prenuptial agreement. At the Law Offices of Ronald M. Zakarin, P.A., you can have a proper prenuptial agreement drafted and in place in case of divorce. To learn more, call today at 561-338-5297 to schedule a free consultation.