Post dissolution of marriage there may be a need to modify one or more aspects of the divorce decree. In this regard, a Supplemental Petition for Modification may be required in which it is necessary to plead that there has been a material, substantial and involuntary change in circumstances warranting the modification
If you find yourself in need of a modification or you if you have been served with a Petition requesting a modification you may wish to retain an experienced Boca Raton divorce attorney to assist you through the process and to provide you proper advice.
Providing The Proper Guidance
How to proceed in any given case depends upon your unique circumstances. Those circumstances will dictate the advice and guidance provided by your attorney. There are various issues which may arise post judgment which require modification. Among those are the following:
Co-Parenting and Time Sharing– The Court that initially establishes parental responsibility and time sharing retains jurisdiction to modify the parenting plan including the time sharing schedule. Modifying parental responsibility, a parenting plan, or a time-sharing schedule will require a showing of a substantial, material, and unanticipated change in circumstances and a determination that the modification is in the best interests of the child. This is a heavier burden then initially required to establish the time sharing and parenting plan. In all instances, a determination of the best interests of the child must be made taking into consideration the factors set forth in F.S.§61.13.
Child support modifications – A change in the financial circumstances of either party can lead to a child support modification. The child support obligation due by each parent is governed by F.S.§61.30 and is predicated upon each respective parents income.
Alimony modifications – There are a myriad of reasons which may cause a party to require a modification of an alimony obligation. The criterion looked at with regard to a request for a change in alimony is whether there exists a material, substantial and involuntary change in the financial circumstances of a party not contemplated at the time of the final hearing. For example, one person may be laid off from his/her job due to economic factors. Alternatively, a party may succumb to illness precluding him/her from working. A party may merely reach retirement age. In those instances, a party may require judicial relief.
Honest Advice
Boca Raton divorce attorney Ronald M. Zakarin, Esq. is available assist you through the legal process in an effort to maximize your results. Your questions will be timely answered and you will receive the advice and guidance that you need to make informed decisions. In this fashion you can be confident that your issues will be competently and fully presented to the Court.
Contact Attorney Ronald M. Zakarin For Child Support Modifications
In the event you are faced with the need to seek a modification of your divorce decree, whether in regard to a co-parenting arrangement, time sharing schedule, alimony or child support obligation, Ronald M. Zakarin can give you the guidance and advice that you need. With an experienced attorney by your side, you can reach a resolution that works for you. To learn more, call 561-338-5297 to schedule a free consultation.